Friday, August 20, 2010

Future Toaster

Tranparent Toaster

Brown or Black???

Having problems enjoying the breakfast? The toast always not toast the way we want it? What if we can see inside the toaster and get our toast according to our taste, which would, made our morning more meaning full isn’t it. Therefore what we need is a toaster that something looks like this.

We control how black our toasts are without set the fire alarm on anymore.


  1. Bread would not be over toast, therefore can practice healthy eating habit. -by Safuan=

  2. What a great innovation!! It can help us to be more afficient in tima usage and help us to maintain our health. Its like killing to birds with one stone. YUMM YUMM-AMIR QAYYUM

  3. this invention will make future mom be very grateful..make ease in breakfast production..hehe
