Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Future computer technology

Future technology allows man to move their robotic arms just by thinking. Microelectrodes placed in different parts of the brain allow people with muscular dystrophy and other disorders to move cursors and type keys rather adeptly on a computer.No longer are these experiments done with rats, monkeys or the episode of "House" where a patient move a cursor for "yes" or "no" by thinking about it. There is so much future computer technology that most people don't know about that is happening right now, right under our noses.

And, so what does this bode for 5, 10, or 20 years from now? Trends in future computer technology dictate that microchips, processors, hard drives and all computer components will get smaller. WiFi, MiFi and other Fi's Foes and Fums will take over the marketplace and become common. Just by thinking we will be able to connect with networks most likely aided by small electronic devices that we keep on us at all times.
But a step beyond this will be the elimination of these small electronic cell phone, palm pilot, laptop, DS, GPS, facial recognition devices that have been rolled into one. Networks will be so widespread that there will be no need to carry small handheld devices.Just by thinking about logons, passwords, text, photos, music and whatever our heads hold we'll be able to navigate, communicate socially from miles away, Tweet just by thinking and do work on the run.

Future computer technology will allow people who have lost the use of their limbs to use robotics as well as tap into these same networks empowering disabled people like never before.

Some level of Cyborg technology will develop (that will be both morally positive and morally questionable).

Future computer technology will help solve many medical problems such as dyslexia and ADHD by reinterpreting sensory data and modulating brain activity. A whole host of other medical illnesses and conditions will be cured or managed by future software controlling dosages of medicine such as those with diabetes now experience, but the scope of the conditions healed or managed will be much more vast.

Future computer software will know when to stimulate neurons, how much, and will communicate with nanorobots that perform microscopic surgery or deliver medicine to very small, specific areas of the body.
The future of computer technology is a very bright one indeed. The current trends tell us this, as well as the research and development that is happening at lightning pace. The children today will have a whole new technological world waiting for them tomorrow. And tomorrow isn't that far away.


  1. Wow! these surely gives lots of benefit in medical field.


    This innovation will help mankind in the surgery area. By the exploding appaerance about this innovation will cause a further reserch to be done in this area. It is not impossible to hear that, human just need his heart and brain to be bionical man, because all the parts of the body can be replace by bionical-synthethic body part-AMIR QAYYUM
